"I am," in terms of one‘s relationship with everything else. You step into the aura of your partner and you stop being you. You step into a group in your office and you stop being you. You walk along moment -by-moment, breath-by-breath in relationship to the imprinting program and you are not you, you are not that design. You‘re not that thing we see in the chart. You‘re something else that emerges in relationship to something else. It‘s always like that."- Ra Uru Hu
Projector's perspective on Sacral Beings,
aka generators and manifesting generators
Living as a projector in Human Design has taught me many things. In a projector group I joined, someone asked this question: What is the best thing about being a projector?
My answer to this was just one word: Another
In being a projector, I enjoy a lot of "perks" that come with it, like seeing things in others that can help them, having deep insights, knowing systems, being able to guide the energy, resting deeply and feeling at ease doing absolutely nothing. None of that compares to the delightful encounter of being recognized and invited by generators.
Knowing that their defined sacral centre conditions me deeply, can not stop the sweet feeling of getting completely immersed in that energy. That energy, that I never had on my own and is only accessible to me when they are present. The only better thing that having that sacral energy in my system is being able to study them.
Being able to see, recognize and study the generators in my life, who invite me for guidance is the most rewarding and enjoyable activity that I can possibly imagine.
Keep them away from me!
Ra joked, that if you are projector living with a generator, you should build a nuclear shelter for yourself to hide from this energy. There is a reason for it, it is absolutely intoxicating for us, projectors, and can be not only conditioning us mentally, but even damaging physically. It can be hard to fall asleep next to a generator, while they're getting their delightful sleep. It can be hard to stop talking, while they are resting and yawning. I have lived and experienced many of these scenarios being married to a generator and having a generator son.
All of this is true, with a bit of humour, but the thing is, I truly, really love generators. They need me and I need them. I can not live without the sacral, which will provide for me, take care of my needs. While they can not live without my guidance, which helps them know themselves better.
It can be a beautiful thing
Of course, the correctness of entering the relationship is the most important factor here. If you are a projector, you should always enter the relationship by being invited. The invitation doesn't mean you will receive an envelope with the formal letter, which you may, but it is not necessary. You will know when the generator will invite you, because they will look at you. They will ask you to speak and will listen to what you have to say.
One of my best friends, who is a generator, literally followed me around for a whole year before I finally agreed to live together. At that time I was an university student and knew nothing about Human Design, but in hind sight, this friendship was entered correctly. My friend wanted to go on walks to nature with me, asked me questions about what I think and was "advertising" me to groups of people. I finally said: yes, I like you too. You can move in with me. And we had the best 3 years living together.
My husband, who is also a generator, invited me formally to meet him. He didn't even come by himself, but sent my cousin to see if I would like to meet him. When I agreed, he showed up and we fell in love instantly. To move to Canada, I was not only invited by him, but all my expanses were covered and I was provided for ever since I came here.
During the dark moments, I was struggling to work like a generator and getting sick as a result, I said to my husband: I should work too, you're taking on all the burdens of the providing for a family. But he said to me: I would not be able to make it without you, so you work too. Without this recognition, I would not be able to be in a relationship with a generator.
How does it feel for a generator to be with a projector, in their aura, in their presence?
I can only tell by what they shared with me: When uninvited, it can feel like they are being pierced and penetrated by something sharp, which makes it feel very unpleasant. Like someone is looking at you when you are trying to hide.
When recognized and invited, it can feel like a basking in amounts of attention, that is focused just on them, which can be very enjoyable and illuminating. It is like looking into a big mirror and suddenly being able to see things they couldn't before. Even talking to a projector, can bring illumination to a generator, the projector doesn't need to speak, just listen.
Why is it so inviting and beautiful?
For me, it's simply because the generators are so awesome. What they are here to do is to enjoy and know themselves. For me, it's simple to see what they enjoy and invite them to do more of that. When they enjoy themselves, I enjoy it as well. The sweetness of success lies in the satisfaction of a generator.
What about the other types?
Manifestors don't really need anyone to guide them. They just need someone to inform, and they'll do what they are meant to do. Reflectors do their own thing, moving through the lunar cycles while nothing really sticks to them.
But generators and projectors move together in a cosmic dance.
What is your experience with generators and projectors in Human Design? Share in the comments below