How Pure Reflections Came to Life
What is Pure Reflections about? We share our story of inspiration and initiation into providing the services for the community.

The Origins
At some point in life there is a realization that no matter how much we may disapprove of our qualities and characteristics, there is no denying that our nature will not change. Later on in life, many of us come to terms with who we are as we start to realize that there may be a reason why we are the way we are. Unfortunately at this point we are already in our late 60s or even 70s and often our bodies paid the toll of being denied the life that wanted living.
This is how I learned about unlived life force and what it does to the body. I joined a local hospice as a volunteer and started to see clients 1:1 to provide them with emotional and spiritual support at the end of their life’s journey. I saw with my own eyes how the minds had a difficult time detaching from the bodies because of how much unlived life force was still in them. Simply put, there was unfinished business.
In some cases, I got to learn about my client’s unfulfilled wishes and dreams. In others, I got to witness myself the difficulty their mind had realizing the un-lived potential that was now unused and had to be left behind.
As I am writing these words today, the spirit of a person who chose me to pass on the legacy is freshly departed. Grieving her, I realized the source of my pain as well as the gifs she has left me to continue living. This person had a tremendous talent for watercolour art at a young age but was discouraged, due to the norms at the time. She was forced to pursue a career that she had no interest and no gifts in, which led to the many events in her life that put her on a path of un-fulfillment. When we met, she asked me to help her paint again, but it was too late as her body was not able to do it anymore. Each week we’d meet and try to start painting, we would discuss the subjects she wanted to try and how she would do it. She even purchased some materials and had paints set up next to her bed in case she’d get a spur of energy. We ventured on car trips together where she could look at the beautiful nature and draw inspiration from it.
As a result of this relationship, I started to explore painting with watercolours more and started to paint more freely. I have realized that I had many paintings in me that were waiting to be brought to life, that I was denying myself to paint as well.
It may come as a surprise to many that me, an artist of over 30 years, still has gone through a battle in my mind, a mind that would tell me it is not worth it to paint it, it makes no sense. And yet, I painted regardless and the reward of it was immense. I realized my gifts are in visual arts and no matter what I wish to bring forward in my offers, this is my foremost affinity. I have been devoted to meditation, qigong and qi healing as well as human design for the past 6 years and going back to art felt trivial. What my mind couldn’t perceive is that those are the tangible outlets available to the people that can transmute the energy.
One day I realized that I can still reach people before it’s too late. Perhaps there are many other people, who also wanted to paint their whole life, but were told it was not worth it? What if I can encourage them by creating an environment, where they will feel safe? That is how guided meditations came to life. Seeing how those who struggled with self doubt entered a different state of consciousness and their bodies were able to create freely made sense to me why I was called to provide this guidance. A foresight that each being is pure in its nature and our experiences and manifestations are pure reflections of who we are.
As for myself, I recognized that this is the gift I have received and my role is to align people with their creativity, help them nurture and develop new horizons of their own potential. Now I offer clay, watercolour, Chinese ink and acrylic painting as mediums of exploration at the local church and through private events and sessions. In honour of my client, who had initiated me into this role, to bring this program forward. Her life’s experiences were not in vain and the lessons continue living.
After completing the Pure Course at the Spirit Brush Academy in 2024, my energy has transformed to allow me to guide others. In teaching, I learn and grow with the students. As a guide, I live my true expression. Without my teacher's guidance I wouldn't be who I am today and the only way I can repay his kindness is to continue the legacy.